Tag: internet & multimedia
New Default Skins
Web Player VISh4 with new default skins Windach 28.03.2011. The interactive Flash Player VISh4 fascinates with its new and impressive skins. The default skins of the media player are flexible and are grouped into topics (sports, industrial), colours (red devil, blue magic,), industries (training & training, tourism,) and events (Christmas, Halloween,). In addition to the…
Media Publisher
Portal for business videos takes first stage of development to launch Wurzburg, 02 September businessworld.de presents more than 400 business videos from about 100 partially renowned publishers 3 months after the launch and shows first technical developments. The balance sheet after the launch of businessworld.de is almost entirely positive”, said project manager Martin Hausmann:”Our offer…
Business Customer Segment
Decision makers find the behavior by business users in search engines such as Google & co. What is practiced in the U.S. space has long been looking for companies contacts with suffix “B2B” in search engines, spills over more and more also for Germany, and in the entire Central European region. Looking for company and…
Google AdWords
To consider topics that not only inform, but be especially beneficial for potential customers, can be pretty tedious. About successfully completed customer projects to report to deliver the proof readers, how good it is as a customer here, implemented by the way of most small businesses. Here, just the website for the publication of references…
Smart Public Relations On The Internet
Top ranking at Google & co. Wangen im Allgau; The Internet is constantly changing and is hard to overlook. It is all the more important an optimal position to secure businesses therein. Properly placed press releases and PR-texts can be a useful tool. However you need to stand against the backdrop of the vast amount…