Let us see an example in Warren Dean: ' ' A law project hastily was introduced in the State legislature of the state for the member of the house of representatives Wedge Rasp, that would have leasehold the entire pontal the particular ones, under the condition of that each one would conserve, as the forest covering of one room of its areas leasehold. This would be, in agreement declared cynically, a better guarantee for the forest because the state was imcompetent person to protect its reserves ' ' (Dean, 1996:295) history if repeats currently when another Wedge Rasp, Cssio governor Wedge Rasp is favorable to the San Francisco project that will develop the budget of the Paraba in 700 Real million per year according to data of the proper State Secretariat of Hdricos resources. Another curious aspect was the form of approval of the San Francisco Project, it was approved by decree and not for realistic studies through agencies whose purpose is to deal with these subjects, for example ANA (National Water Agency) that according to engineer Joo Abner Guimares, would not approve such project. Therefore, the viability technique is authenticated in many publications, one of them says: ' ' The transposition of the Old Chico is project a politically inconsequential, impracticable, economically socially unjust and ecologically coward. ' would be enough one of these four conditions to be true to justify the abandonment of the project; ' The given IBAMA when supplying, fell in contradiction, located same favor supplying given that they recognize 70% of water will be for irrigation and 26% for the supplying of cities, being most to it of destined water dams where if it loses up to 75% for evaporation; 20% of the ground that if it desires to irrigate ' ' they have limitations for use agrcola' ' 62% of ground needs control, because of the strong trend to eroso' '.