Regional Enterprises

It is no secret that enter the market capital is not easy. This issue and related issues are always discussed. This is due primarily to the huge financial cost. I will not enumerate in detail all costs, because for each case they are unique. Those who are thinking about growing their businesses, not just trying to somehow reduce costs, but in the end, money had to be done. On the other hand, many companies have long outgrown the market in its region, and business development is essential.

Of course, there are companies that have accumulated during the existence of decent material and financial resources, so-called "subcutaneous fat", and enter the market of the capital they do not represent much difficulty. Always this kind of development is associated more and greater risks. After all, there are cases where ambitious projects after a loud public relations and attempts to implement it, just disappeared into oblivion. Well, that is companies and high-profile brands, which are an example of successful business development and market entry of the capital. About his experience of promotion of various projects such can tell generally, much of this information is insufficient to successful replication in their case, but it may serve as a basis for the future action plan. Here's one example: Suppose your company is planning to enter the markets of Moscow, bypassing the dealer network organization, but is not ready to bear the costs of running an additional office (find and rent the premises for the organization of office and warehouse, purchasing office equipment and furniture, personnel search, etc.) What to do? As all realize and dispense with the lowest cost and without risk? To access the markets of Moscow enough site Connect Virtual Moscow phone number in the code 495 or 499; to redirect all incoming calls to already existing your company's number of telephone lines and, if necessary, mobile phone numbers.

Record menu voice greeting for all callers to your new phone number in Moscow. Configure other options when necessary – Ability to process incoming calls to any scenario, specify the new Moscow phone number in all media marketing communications; After running an advertising campaign with web-manager analyze the number of incoming calls to each of these in the advertising media telephone numbers if they are connected to several. Estimating the number of calls and their duration by tracking the peaks of calls and comparing these figures with media plans, determine the effectiveness of the tools used advertising Identify the most effective means of marketing communications. Proceeding from this, adjust the media plan; Create your own base database of potential customers – the numbers of all incoming calls are detected and stored in a database. Use the accumulated customer base for direct marketing. The result: You are no financial risks, assess the opportunities market in Moscow, accumulating base of customers using its trained staff. And by opening an office in Moscow, you have saved the connection of telephone numbers, having already established customer base and proven demand to your service or product. Cost of services Mango office from 970 rubles. a month!


