I always tell the truth and go straight to the point. The Mystics are known not to mention mention, one that will always be a relevant figure in the learning of spiritual development is it at least to what my concerns, Ramana Maharshi. Hendricks and Ludeman, remind us that if you want to be always concentrated on, something that guarantees happiness and success, concentrate above all on whether each and every one of the words you said are true. Keep in mind always, first the facts. Part of learning to tell the truth is to refer to the facts. Like a lot of people to turn to the facts, which detracts from its credibility. So, strive to present the truth of the facts in the first place.
Then be sure to tell the truth about their feelings. If you’re angry, do not attempt to hide it. If you are sad or disappointed, say it clearly. And the same in the case of fear. Many people consider that the feelings are sign of weakness, when what certain is that they are signs of humanity. Nothing gives a leader more power that admit that she has feelings. Hide feelings give us bad aspect, in addition to interfere negatively in our programming.
This does not mean that we we should wallow in them or make a drama. The Mystics recognize and express their feelings with the same naturalness with which recognize and express the time that is. And then go to another issue. Take into account and try to put into practice, that listening gives more power to talk. Hence, let it be said, that listening may be the fundamental ability to achieve success. When people perceive that someone hears it, begins to evolve. We are told that there are three levels in the development of techniques to listen to. The first step, the simplest, consists of people repeat what we just said. This type of hearing you could call to hear in search of accuracy.Be able to synthesize what they hear and retain it with the same words. The second phase is what is called listen empathic, take charge of what the other person is saying, particularly of the emotional content. The third level takes place when two people have already practiced enough levels one and two to develop an Alliance. . They are able to unleash the creativity of each one until you reach the heights to which had not been able to reach separately. The fact, that the most difficult communication is giving and receiving honest information. And however, it is the most valuable commodity in the world.