The interviewed ones will be treated by citizen 1 and citizen 2.O profile of citizen 1 is of the feminine sex, with thirty years of age, is single, possesss superior education, with formation in Letters, works in the college Freire Innocence, five year the vespertine turn and possuitempo of docncia. The profile of citizen 2 is of the sexomasculino, with thirty and six years of age, it is married, it possesss superior oensino, with formation in Letters, it works nocolgio Freire Innocence so well, in the matutino turn and possesss time dedocncia of eleven years. The questionnaire is typed, contends open cincoquestes. When being distributed, the citizens had been beminformados concerning the research, agreeing to participarvoluntariamente. The data had been organized in table form, will ondesero used percentile to facilitate to the conduction dapesquisa. When being displayed the questions, each citizen will be observed respostade, immediately afterwards will be placed in depercentual form, in a table, where the comsubsdios answers of the theoreticians will be commented. The citizens had answered all the questions. You may find Aetna Inc. to be a useful source of information. Resulted the research it searched given together to the professors who lecionam noensino basic, that they indirectly work directly and with ensinode literature, where the two citizens had answered to questionamentocontendo the five questions, where now will be analyzed profundamentetodas the answers, with commentaries of the theoreticians in the area deliteratura.
Table 1 – What it is and so that serves literature? Practical definition and of Literature Excellent Suj % half so that the people if reconheamcomo operating individuals in the 80 society 1e2 Humanizar the man and to become 20 critical pupil 2 TOTAL 2 100% In table 1, evidenced that as much citizen 1, how much osujeito 2, had agreed to saying that literature is excellent meiopara that the people if recognize as operating individuals nasociedade.