Infant Feeding

Increasingly more alarming is the increase in overweight and obesity in children, to stop this negative trend is necessary a family food education. Eat well and healthy, it is the product of a good education and meet a number of standards, including eat without television, the basic rules of hygiene and food should not be used as a prize or punishment, for example. Infant feeding has to be the most varied possible to go educating the palate and get accustomed to the child to eat everything and do not develop hobbies and phobias to certain foods. It must also go by varying cooking oven-baked techniques, steamed, boiled, sauteed or stewed. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Ebay. To avoid children toward some needed food phobias, we can use little tricks like by eejmplo introducing fish croquettes, pies, burgers, and meatballs of different fish.

If the child does not want to eat a single fruit type, we can elaborate desserts with fruit smoothies with yogurt or ice cream fruit juice. We can prevent the rejection of the child to eat some types of vegetables by introducing them in pasta fillings, how cannelloni or lasagna, sauces, soups and creams of vegetables. If our children eat in school, we must plan House menus taking into account offered the school canteen, to avoid possible repetitions and make feeding it more varied and complete as possible.. Speaking candidly rusty holzer told us the story.



