Hannover Code

Through an early participation in the public beta test future professional users can get 3 additional months free access. Garbsen/Hanover, Germany, January 15, 2008. Through an early participation in the public beta test future professional users can get 3 additional months free access. Who has received one of the coveted autopages.de coasters in the last few days, find a coupon code on the back. All testers who already provide this coupon code during registration, free use as a thank you for their cooperation in addition to the free trial still 3 more months. And as “Afterburner” can again multiply the value of the beer Cap. The coupon code is transferable and can be pushed easily several times (E.g.

for branch offices with multiple locations). Who has received no coasters yet, can request these coasters in the next few days, see. autopages.de is an online service of Milliways info design GmbH (MI). 1998 in Hannover founded, MI engaged in the manufacture and marketing of technologically demanding and at the same time easy-to-use interactive media. MI products is characterized by the use of the best available technologies, as well as the consistent striving for highest design quality. The interdisciplinary approach of the company has become the guarantee for productivity and creativity. MI has earned the trust and respect of his partner by its culture of reliability and loyalty in business life.


