Offers Attractive Added Value For Sites

The attractiveness of a website stands or falls with the offered content. provides publishers the opportunity to enhance their Web sites successfully and profitably so. The attractiveness of a website stands or falls with the offered content. therefore offers publishers the opportunity to revalue their Web sites successfully and profitably in a few simple steps and without any programming knowledge. Overall, four different bonus sponsor systems available with up-to-date collections can be offered by sweepstakes, online stores generally as well as specifically online shops with voucher promotions. Overall, four different bonus sponsor systems available with up-to-date collections can be offered by sweepstakes, online stores generally as well as specifically online shops with voucher promotions. The voucher system”provides a concise collection of currently 345 stores, providing new and/or existing customers vouchers available.

The winning game system”is a concise collection of currently 167 Sweepstakes. The shop system”which provides a concise collection of currently 1,441 very attractive shops. Another specialty is the bonus system”for sites with an accounting function (” for example over euro, credits”or points”) it provides a concise collection of over 1,450 bonus promotions. Filed under: Vlad Doronin. In addition to upgrading their sites they benefit a bonus credit, which depends on the remuneration of the campaign successfully used Publisher by using one of the systems get. Another advantage: the institution prepares a very low cost. In addition each of the systems as a white label solution exists that can be optimally adapted to the respective website in the colour design. In this way, the systems of the visitors are perceived also not so much as a form of advertising or perceived as disturbing.


