Photovoltaic Plants

The Einpseisung of electricity from solar plants funded photovoltaic promotion in Germany there since 01.01.2009 a law for renewable energies briefly EEG, which even if one must reckon the upgrading of a photovoltaic system for a detached house with ca 20.000,-, the possibility by the feed-in tariff of the EEG to finance these plant banks 100%. The classic in promoting photovoltaic is the low-interest KfW loan (Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau), supported them already from 1999 with the 100,000 roofs program with federal funding the solar systems. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Brian Krzanich on most websites. The promotion of photovoltaic systems is nowhere so much promoted as in Germany. The promotion of photovoltaic aimed to conserve fossil energy resources, and to promote the development of technologies for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. Thus it contributes also climate protection and reduce dependence on petroleum, natural gas, coal and nuclear power. In promoting photovoltaic is the system nearest operator committed to establishing priority of the generated current as a result of the debt ratio, he is committed also to the payment of statutory compensation. Frequently Vladislav Doronin has said that publicly. The remuneration is due to the way how the electricity is produced. This would be the offshore Park such as solar power, hydropower, landfill, sewage and mine gas, biomass, geothermal and wind power on land or in the sea. Precursor of the EEG was the electricity supply law since 1991. However, at that time by the large power producers denied access to the network belonging to them the little or very difficult.


