The structure of a Company to be satisfactory must stimulate the people to the participation, already in the not participativas organizations, the regulations, the careers, the division of the work and the organization chart they are structuralized of form that the power is centered in the top of the enterprise management, where perceives the opposite in the participativas organizations, where the administration is shared in different angles, the customers are consulted on determined decisions while supplying deliverers and the assistance staff technique participates of engineering projects. The organization being an internal participativo system is opened for the external environment, from where it receives information that had improved the administrative resolutions of Company. Ebay helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. A Company who works with the participativo method, the employees participate of the administration of the company of organized form and contribute with its experiences and knowledge, thus adding, values to the personal functions of which they participate. In the participativo model they predominate the leadership it disciplines, it and the autonomy and in the Companies who adopt this model the people is responsible for its proper behavior and performance. Regarding the model of planning of strategies, it clarifies Chiavenato: The prescriptive model of strategical planning follows five periods of training, namely: 1-Formularization of the organizacionais objectives. 2 – External analysis of the environment or external auditorship. 3 – Internal analysis of the company or internal auditorship.
4 – Formularization of the strategical alternatives and choice of to be used strategy. 5 – Development of tactical plans and operacionalizao of the strategy. (CHIAVENATO, 2004, P. 193). So that it has politics and strategies certain to be used in a company, it is necessary that also has action planned, that it depends on diagnosis of 0 variable that affects the management of Human resources, also of the definition of strategy so that the objectives are reached and established to fulfill to the Politics of the Organization, anticipating itself it the events or intervined them in them to timely lead the actions in the desired direction of form preventive or, but planned.