Although the groups of classic pentecostais never to have been homogeneous, them had dominated this type of Christian religiosidade in the Brazilian scene until the years of 1950, always in search of new adepts for the proselitismo and pioneirismo, in the social classes with little or no escolaridade and poor person, from the decade of 50 new missionaries of the National Cruzade of Evangelizao, tied the Church of the Quadrangular Evangelho gave beginning spalling of the pentecostal movement, institucional diversity and proselitistas innovations. As Mariano (2005, p.23). The pentecostais churches of this period, according to Mariano, are called second pentecostal wave, or deuteropentecostalismo, them emphasize the divine cure, while the classic pentecostais teach the glossolalia. Of this wave the Churches had appeared: Brazil for Christ, God is love, House of the Blessing and others of lesser transport. Ricardo Mariano (2005) in its workmanship ' ' Neopentecostais: Sociology of the New Pentecostalismo in the Brasil' '. This second wave appeared in the So Paulo capital. The National Cruzade of Evangelizao covered almost all Brazilian states, was centered in the divine cure and in the proselitismo, they had used programs of radio for the expansion of the Pentecostalismo in Brazil. Two independent Pentecostais Churches had appeared: ' ' Brazil for Cristo' ' (1955) and ' ' Church God is Amor' ' (1962), established for the missionaries Manoel de Melo and David Miranda, respectively.
The movement of livening of charismatic form, that is, pentecostal, revealed in the interior of the churches of the historical protestantismo, gave to origin to some called groups ' ' Renovados' descriptions; '. It has, from this period, a proliferation of new Pentecostais Churches, as for example, the Church Presbiterianas Pentecostais, Convention National Baptist, Church of the Biblical Livening, Methodist Church Wesleyana, Christian Church Maranata. (MARIANO, 2005, p 24-32). The origin of the neopentecostais churches, that are the groups of the third wave, had originated in the United States, whose the name was known as ' ' movement carismtico' ' , they were in this country composed for deriving people of the layers highest of the society and had continued entailed the remodelled churches historical.