Rio De Janeiro

Another situation faced for the managers of the public services of health is the terceirizao of the human resources through the act of contract of private companies or cooperatives of workers. What it causes: increase of temporary contracts; different coexistence of regimes of work; different hours of working; reduction of steady ranks of work. To redirect practical the traditional ones of management is not simple task, a time that is arraigadas in the orthodox formation of administration. To deal with people requires joint and negotiation enters the diverse levels of an organization and involves different actors with the most diverse responsibilities. The work in the health possesss diverse established standards and difficult myths to break, as the domain of the doctor in the hospital institutions, a domain not of position or authority, but of being able, a cultural domain that goes beyond the rational agreement. The health services, while rendering organizations of service represent psicosociais systems, well different of other in charge organizations of the production or commercialization of good. They directly coexist problems and difficulties of other people, suffering, pain even though the death.

In consequncia of this, the employees are in some affected way, therefore they feel and they are committed. Therefore, many sectors of the health leave to desire in important questions for the reinforcement of the interpersonal and group relations, having the necessity to offer the diligent accessible conditions of improvement of the individual and consequentemente organizacional performance. This way improves the effectiveness of the administration of staff of the health services. The techniques of management and development of human resources are important for the efficient performance of the people, by means of politics of incentive and security directed toward the worker. The planning of the activities of the organization all becomes dynamic the work process, allowing as soon as the employees feel themselves involved with the routine of the service and have each time more pride to be part of an organization that prioritizes the welfare physicist, psychic and social of its collaborators. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.AKTOUF.

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