School Of Administration Of Faces Of The Uc Demand Of New Transformations

Carlos Mora Vanegas the dynamic behavior of the current economic scenario, very proactive characteristics, where many of them are threats, weaknesses, strengths, but also great opportunities, which should be exploited by schools of administration, especially national ones, those concerning Venezuela, case which concerns us that of the University of Carabobo. Since several years ago, has been in school a decay significant in its academic excellence, and note where the underperformance that has been given for the training, training of graduates in administration, which does not have the knowledge required to deal with the great challenges, threats, opportunities presented by the national stage, especially with all the actions of the Government willing to Institute socialism of the 21st century, in addition to the global economic behavior, which at present, shows a very significant crisis in financial terms for many countries, in order to not to be affected seriously, are looking for the way how to deal with it. The commitment, the role that the school should play has been neglected, with the formation of certified professionals of academic excellence, with modern knowledge that has generated administrative science, as well as tools that allow you to give step transformations, changes required to meet the big challenges, turbulence occurring constantly on the national stage. Have you noticed the absence of authorities proactive, visionary, committed to maintaining a school with the endorsement of an academic quality of modern time. Note the improvisation of the authorities to address people who are backed more by friendship, power, family groups committed academically. what represents a significant cost in academic excellence. There is a lack of teachers who generate new knowledge, motivate your participants to take action, take step to solutions, models that favour the maligned business sector, not only in the region, but of the country. Lack of motivation of students, which has been anchored in the trash, conformism, wasting its potential, especially the creative. .



