
Men for writing religious and scientific works, as well as official papers used came from the Chinese characters. Women know characters was indecent, and therefore the court ladies 'exercise' in the book of women's novels and essays were written on a purely Japanese, and especially 'not bother' at the high Chinese-style. For men art prose was considered unworthy of pursuit. In modern Japan, the situation with the script is more or less equalize, but in colloquial speech these features are still visible. Archaic features to notice in his speech, even educated and independent Japanese women who work by linguists. As an example, various kinds of particles, which are used in the Japanese language at the end of sentences to express the emotions of the speaker. Women and men collection of these particles is different. Another example of male and female versions of the Japanese language – the so-called 'etiquette' of speech and grammatical forms: a more 'polite' form is often used only by women, and less 'Polite' – prefer men.

In Russian, English and other languages, the differences between male and female speech are not so noticeable. But this does not mean that differences do not exist at all, just some words and phrases often used men, and others – women. As an example the case of a strong voice disorders, as described in one of the medical articles. The patient is one of the clinics could say no more than two or three dozen simple words and set phrases. Paul patient in the article has not been specified. But one of the emotional expressions in his speech – "Oh, girls!" – It can be concluded that it was a woman. Agree that for such a real man cheers, to say the least, atypical.

However, not every woman showing their emotions in this way. Such examples are many in the Russian language, we just do not always notice them. Finally, the outcome – something that we would like to the attention of our readers. Keep in mind (so happened historically) that most of the textbooks and grammars of different languages are focused on the male speech. Features of speech, women's long been engaged in general and not even distinguish them. But recently in Western science topic this has become very popular, and so-called gender linguistics has an active development. It was she who revealed that the differences between the speech of men and women existed always and everywhere. But the comprehensive and profound study of this scope is yet to come.


