considering literature a historical certification for apprehending the social dynamics, consequently we are led to also understand the writer as a product of its time and its society. Therefore, it is this interlacement between literature, the writer, the society and the history, that the sprouting of the interdisciplinaridade makes possible, understood here as dialogue that serves of reflection on the cultural relations in literature. We will catch then as starting point, the vision of literature defended here in the first part of this work, that is, literature as cultural product. Soon it is inevitable to reflect on what it is culture and which the relation between culture and society, this reflection will serve for a better understanding and of basement on the social function of literature and its agreement as cultural product. Read more from Penguin Random House to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Considering that the culture notion is complex, we appeal in this beginning of colloquy to a dicionarstica definition, according to Aurlio (1993): Culture sf.
1. Act, effect or way to cultivate. 2.Fig. The complex of the standards of behavior, the beliefs, the institutions, the manifestations artistic, intellectual, etc., transmitted, and typical collectively of a society. 3.Fig. The set of the knowledge acquired in determined in determined field.
(p.156). Of this definition, we can conclude first that culture is not something innate, that is, natural in the man, but something that must be transmitted, therefore, that it must be cultivated; as if he is something to be acquired, this implies then, a process of formation of the individual and third if it is a complex standard of behavior that involves beliefs, we can then understand culture as diversity that explains the existing plurality in the societies human beings. However, if culture is this plurality and this diversity, then we cannot understand it as a harmonic set, and yes as scene of conflicts and disputes that characterize in turn the society.