Bank account without Schufa Advisor! In debt, unemployed and Hartz IV recipients? This reasons on the part of the banks are denying the opening of a bank account to a consumer. But actually is the commitment of banks in Germany, after they must grant a checking account to a consumer. And it was only a bank account without Schufa. The bank account without Schufa therefore often also called everyone account. Even if the banks make a bank account without Schufa not just advertising offering quite existing (but usually always is possible on demand for all banks), a consumer has to choose between multiple providers. Any interested party should carry out a comparison of the different offers in terms of bank account without Schufa, because the conditions of the banks are very different for a bank account without Schufa. They have one but together: the fees for a bank account without Schufa are often higher than for an ordinary Current account with the option of an overdraft are granted.
The banks just try the higher risks supposedly to compensate for the higher fees for a bank account without Schufa. Except that you can perform all usual banking transactions with the bank account without Schufa, ranging from the referral to standing orders and direct debits, there is also the possibility to do this checking account online, but given the consumer no debit or credit card for his bank account. Instead just a bank card, with which he can free withdraw cash within the Bank Group. The consumer with a bank account without Schufa when not can great leaps. Some online shop offers today: only the option of paying by credit card.