The school also needs to combine itself in this process of digital revolution caused by the NTCI, disponibilizando half for which the professors use these mainly techniques in classroom and propitiating this education to the popular layers aiming at to take care of its basic necessities. The objective of the school, in this direction, is to enable the pupil to interact, to interpret and to dominate the technology in reflexiva critical way and at the same time, therefore thus this pupil will participate of the process of social transformation in concrete way. The proposal is to incorporate the new cultural identities, produced in the relations of the citizens with the technologies, in most diverse practical social (Barreto, 2002, P. 81). Integrated in this set of responsible agents for a technological education it is also the government, which from its action becomes an essential element. The implantation of the technologies in the schools, the investment in the formation and qualification of professors to dominate these technologies and the digital inclusion directed mainly to the pupils of the popular layers, is some of the innumerable actions that if wait of a government compromised to one of them pillars of the society: the education. Through the union between government, with investments and actions favorable to the implantation of the NTCI in the educational system; school, for the democratization of an education directed to the attendance of less the most favored; professors, which are mediating agents between medias and pupils, are that the true formation of critical citizens will be established, operating in the technological society. As said, being the professor a basic element for the success of a transforming education, it needs is prepared to deal with the social changes, politics, cultural and technological occured to its redor..