In years 80 in the River of Janeirofuncionou a project that seemed an action between friends where each novoparticipante financed the profits of the old ones. In the years 20 thousands of Americans had been injured by the montadopor project Carlo Ponzi (that it finished giving name to this type of ‘ ‘ investimento’ ‘)that it promised to fold the money of the investors in only 90 days. More behind, in 1720, the British company of commerce South Sea was similar vehicle paraesquema, where the incomes of the investors were todosgarantidos by the resources caught with constant emissions of new actions. Acrise had enormous ratios in function of the envolvement of great part dapopulao. Also in 1720 we have another one in case that sufficiently colorful, carried out poruma of the figures more controversas of economic history: the Scot John Law.
Em1716 this Sir got the right to establish a bank, that tronou oBanque Royale, with a capital of six million free. Enclosed in the concession, it was the right to emit notes, that had been used for the bank to pay gastoscorrentes of the French government. Noentanto, was necessary also the creation of an alive money source quegarantisse the emission of these notes. The reply it came with the foundation of emrpesMississippi Company that had the objective to explore the American noterritrio gold deposits of the Lousiana. Clearly that the gold never arrived to be procuradoe all the money was canalized for the payment of the French debts until queum beautiful day somebody distrusted, the government created and all the investors perderamseu capital. Moral of history: easy profit does not exist. Risk and return are irmosgmeos and they always walk together. But when an enterprise promises to fold osrecursos invested in few days, or it offers easinesses excessively, can tercerteza – some thing is missed.
Bibliography: Galbraith, Joh, Kennet. Soon histpria one of the financial euphoria. So Paulo: Pioneer, 1992. Kindelberger, Charles Poor. Crazes, panic and crashes. Rio De Janeiro: New Fronteis, 2000. Gonalves, Carlos.Economia without tricks. Rio De Janeiro: Elsevier, 2008. For Alexsandro Rebello Bonatto in 27 of November of 2008.