Design Work

When you work for a long time in the field of design, a moment that it seems the ideas are exhausted, have outlived themselves. Think about the work you are doing. And you're doing it, doing and doing again … One begins to resemble the layout of another, there is a constant feeling of "de zhavyu." The feeling that you've already done this. Especially it is exacerbated after many years of experience in design. Young designers from whom little or no experience, all the ideas fall into incompetent and megakreativnye.

But by the will of fate, often led by them like us – old men who do not see truly creative, and just say that it is better to make a grandfather's methods, which will certainly save time, money and nerves including his own and his malicious client. And here is a poor young, sitting angry at us "clamps" and performs tasks. Reluctantly remember you. I was clever, did everything as they say, but always brought something unusual at all designs, and raisins in them was so noticeable that it classified, he could distinguish only me. Where are there to guide. When my work began to appreciate the rudeness and I took was to defend his opinion. Make more bright, noticeable, nonstandard. Even in the case of a negative response from the leadership, tried to stick as an option to the customer.

By getting a lot of cap, as Many agreed to be my 'hidden' option, and I had to spend time firms, making almost recognized the work again, but as internal emotions, pride, damn it, words can not convey. Give a handkerchief to wipe drool … Time has passed. A lot of time … Now I run, I see and I see no creativity in the works, perhaps we all do not see it, and it really winds, because if you look at all of creative, he lost in a pile of thoughts and ideas and turn into something gray and monotonous daily-. Only stupid can count on learning … The law … So, is that, in fact, the design? Stupidity, as embodied in the visual object on which you look and realize singularity, which eventually merge into monotony? Then it turns out that the idea – the past monotony or all of the same vice versa?


