Peace Is Born

One day like today a friend sent me this article which I transcribe. Well, seeing as it is talking about peace and how it has been using that word lately, maybe it's good to have this. And when, in the Revelation reminds us, "came another red horse, and riding upon him it was granted banish peace from the earth and to behead each other …" After reading some old letters, I found that there was a consummation little clarified by certain sectors, so I went back to the word of the Lord: Do you think I come to bring peace on earth? I say no, but the dissent. These sectors were as a possible answer an alleged anguish he must have lived before his imminent crucifixion, but perhaps the feeling that was on the cross, is best reflected in Psalm 22. Anyway, continues to amaze me read a verse over four thousand years that says love and faithfulness will meet; justice and peace will embrace, and today it celebrates the birth of "Prince of Peace" I can understand "the content and form," but I see that in practice there is a mistaken mixed with a desire which is hardly known what the true meaning. In one of these ancient writings is given a warning: The trick is in the hearts of the scheming evil, but with those who counsel peace is joy. Maybe that's why, when we find that not all who speak of peace, are filled with joy, we can better understand a second letter (in verse) that reveals a great farce: And as if not enough to err on the knowledge of God, men, living in violent war of ignorance, drew such great evils peace, may therefore be given a warning for us to be alert as there are different levels when it is speaking of peace, and there are those who use the word "peace" for other purposes, which is why you will find a prayer or a request to this effect in the ancient writings: Do not drag me away with the wicked, with the workers of iniquity, the who speak of peace to his neighbor, while his heart is full of evil. Hence great importance to acquire the words they put into the mouth of the Prince of Peace: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives do I give yo …

hese words give us an answer that is complemented The first question we do (Do you think I come to bring peace on earth?), and whose answer seems not to want to understand. In the first letters sent over two thousand years, you can find a clue as to what is understood "Peace." Find reading them: I therefore work for peace and for our mutual edification … Just as the other that speaks of Peace: He is our peace, who made both one … Although not forget to note: … the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who work for peace … May Peace be with you all, we are happy!, A day like today was born Prince of Peace . Ref: Sal 28.3, 85.11, Pr 12.20, Sat 14.22, Mt 10.34; Lk 12.51, Jn 14:27, Rom 14.19; Ephesians 2:14 a; Sant 3.18, Rev 6.4.



